New Development...Expansion! | Episode 3 | Sengoku Dynasty | Ikigai Update

New Development...Expansion! | Episode 3 | Sengoku Dynasty | Ikigai Update

New Development...Expansion! | Episode 3 | Sengoku Dynasty | Ikigai Update Time to expand the village and build more! We will take on more villagers and get some more of the area built up to take care of future needs. That and much expansion... Chapters: 0:00 Level 7... and fishing time 5:39 To the quests...and recruiting 9:02 Questing! 12:25 Water boy 18:45 Perks, perks, perks 25:09 The new name (and people)! #gaming #sengokudynasty #sengokuletsletsplay #letsplay #gameplay #update