Livestream Service - November 6, 2022

Livestream Service - November 6, 2022

Thank you for worshipping with us! We will be going over Genesis 32 with Pastor Esther Yi. Attendance Form: Sunday Worship Welcome to Sunday service! Announcements Announcements are posted on our website, Facebook group, and Youtube video description. Our Sermon/Discussion Guide can be downloaded at -New Birth Congratulations to Annie and Edwin on the birth of their son, Samuel Liu Yi! DOB:10/26, Weight: 6lbs 14 oz, Length: 21 inch. -- Thanksgiving Meal Kits We are providing Thanksgiving meals for the Lawndale School District! Sign up at -Thanksgiving Service Thanksgiving Service & Potluck is on 11/20! Sign up for the potluck after service in the Cafe or online at -Potential Preschool Ministry Meeting for parents of 0-5 yr olds about a potential preschool ministry is today, 30 min after service. -Covenant Member Meeting A special covenant member's meeting will be held next Sunday (11/13) regarding our possible move to theTorrance Good Shepherd building. -Next Week Next week's sermon will be on Hebrews 11:5-6; Genesis 5:21-24 (ESV).