बहुत ही आसान तरीके से बनाये लाजवाब स्वाद वाले छोले भटूरे Chole Bhature Recipe Chola Bhatura Masala
बहुत ही आसान तरीके से बनाये लाजवाब स्वाद वाले छोले भटूरे Chole Bhature Recipe Chola Bhatura Masala chhole bhature recipe, masala kitchen recipe, chhole recipe, pindi chhole, bhatura recipe without yeast, delhi style chole bhature, instant bhatura, halwai style chole bhature, chhole masala, punjabi chole bhature, छोले भठूरे, recipe by poonam devnani, maayehkaisekarun, chana bhatura, fatafat bhatura recipe, amritsari chole bhature, how to make chole bhature, how to make soft bhature, yeast free bhatura, chana masla bhatura recipe, authentic choley bhature, instant food आज मसाला किचन मे बन रहे है छोले और इंस्टेंट भटूरे की रेसिपी | बिना बेकिंग सोडा/पाउडर बिना दही के फूले फूले भटूरे बनाये आसानी से | स्ट्रीट जैसे छोले भटूरे | टेस्टी छोले साथ में भटूरे बनाने की विधि | कुलचा रेसिपी/खमीरी भटूरे/छोले मसाला/छोले भटूरे/रेस्टोरेंट जैसे छोले/हलवाई जैसे छोले भटूरे/बिना यीस्ट के भटूरे/पिंडी छोले/चटपटे छोले भटूरे/पनीर भटूरे/स्टफ्ड भटूरे/इंस्टेंट भटूरे/इंस्टेंट छोले/छोले पूरी बनाने का आसान तरीका | स्ट्रीट फ़ूड छोले भटूरे की रेसिपी शेयर करना न भूले | मसाला किचन | पूनम देवनानी रेसिपी INGREDIENTS: For Boiling: Chickpeas/Chole (छोले) - 5 Fist/Mutthee Water (पानी) - As required Salt (नमक) - As per taste Baking Soda (बेकिंग सोडा) - 1/2 Tsp Boiled Tea Water (उबला हुआ चाय का पानी) - Some For Chole: Oil (तेल) - 2 Tbsp Cumin Seeds (जीरा) - 1/2 Tsp Asafoetida (हींग) - 1/4 Tsp Onion (प्याज) - 1 Red Chili Powder (लाल मिर्च पाउडर) - 1/2 Tsp Turmeric Powder (हल्दी पाउडर) - 1/4 Tsp Ginger (अदरक) - Some Green Chili (हरी मिर्च) - 2-3 Tomatoes (टमाटर) - 2 Salt (नमक) - As per taste Black Salt (काला नमक) - 1/2 Tsp Kashmiri Red chili Powder (कश्मीरी लाल मिर्च पाउडर) - 1 Tsp Coriander Powder (धनिया पाउडर) - 2-3 Tbsp Roasted Cumin Powder (भुना जीरा पाउडर) - 1 Tbsp Black Pepper Powder (काली मिर्च पाउडर) - 1/2 Tsp Garam masala (गरम मसाला) - 1 Tsp Mango Powder (अमचूर पाउडर) -1 Tbsp Fenugreek Leaves (कसूरी मेथी) Boiled Chickpeas Water (उबले हुए छोले का पानी) Coriander Leaves (धनिया पत्ती) For Tadka: Ghee (घी) - 1 Tbsp Kashmiri Red Chili Powder (कश्मीरी लाल मिर्च) - 1/2 Tsp For Bhatura: All-Purpose Flour (मैदा) - 2 Cup Salt (नमक) - As per taste Baking Powder ( बेकिंग पाउडर) - 1/2 Tsp Baking Soda (बेकिंग सोडा) - 1/4 Tsp Curd (दही ) - 3-4 Tbsp Ghee (घी) - 1 Tbsp Luke Warm Water (गुनगुना पानी) For Instant Bhatura: All-Purpose Flour (मैदा) - 1 Cup Salt (नमक) - As per taste Oil (तेल) - 1 Tsp Soda Water (सोडा वाटर) Recipe: For Chole, soak some Chickpeas overnight and then boil them. Put some boiled Tea Water, Baking Soda while boiling the Chickpeas. Give it 2 Whistle and cook it for 4-5 mins on slow flame. Keep the pan on the flame, put some Oil, Cumin Seeds, Asafoetida chopped Onion in it & cook it well. Then put some Red Chilli Powder, Turmeric Powder, mix it again, then put the paste of Tomato, Ginger & Green Chillies, add some Salt in it, cover it & cook it for some time. Then put Black Salt, Kashmiri Chilli Powder, Coriander Powder, Roasted Cumin Powder, Black Pepper Powder, some Garam Masala & Dried Mango Powder in it and cook them all. Then put the boiled Chickpeas, some dried Fenugreek Leaves, boiled Chickpeas Water. Cover it and cook it for 7-8 mins on a slow flame. Garnish it with long chopped Tomatoes, Ginger, Green chilies, ring-shaped Onions, and Coriander Leaves. Give the Tadka and serve it. For Tadka, In a Tadka pan, put Ghee, some Kashmiri Red Chili Powder in it, & put it on chole. For Bhatura, Sieve the All-Purpose Flour. Add Salt, Baking Powder Baking Soda, Curd, and Ghee in It and mix them all. Then bind the soft dough with lukewarm Water. Make the dough balls then apply some oil on the dough balls, cover them with a wet napkin, and keep them for 20-30 mins. Then apply some oil to the dough ball, roll it and fry them. In this way, tasty Chole Bhature will get ready at home. For Instant Bhatura, in a bowl, take All-Purpose Flour, Salt, Oil and bind the dough with Club Soda Water. Make the dough balls, roll them and fry them.