Filter 🤣 #fatimaeffendi #nidayasir #shanesuhoor #shorts
Filter 🤣 #fatimaeffendi #nidayasir #shanesuhoor #shorts Host: Nida Yasir Our Special Guest: Nawal Saeed, Fatima Effendi, Fouzia Mushtaq Once again, heartfelt conversations, festive vibes, and unforgettable moments are coming your way! 🌙✨ Watch Nida Yasir in Good Morning Pakistan’s Shan-e-Sahoor, where celebrities share their Ramzan routines, reflections, and personal stories in a warm and meaningful gathering. Tune in to ARY Digital, Monday to Saturday at 11: 30 PM, and be part of the conversation! #RamzanWithGMP #ARYDigital #RamzanKiRoshni #ShanESahoor #ShanERamzan #fatimaeffendi #nawalsaeed #nidayasirshow https://bit.ly/arydigitalyt :Subscribe to our channel and Watch ARY Digital's content