How to make Dynamic clock using Html CSS JS

How to make Dynamic clock using Html CSS JS

I used HTML and CSS to create and design the website - If you follow the step-by-step video you will be able to make a beautiful website using HTML & CSS page facebook: free source code: this video link :Don't ever forget to see my previous videos_ links :Create A Website Design Using Pure HTML & CSS Only    • Create A Website Design Using Pure HT...   :Create A Website Design Using Pure HTML & CSS Only    • Create A  Website Design Using Pure H...   :Create A Website Design Using Pure HTML & CSS Only    • How To Create A Personal Portfolio We...   :Simply Create a Glowing Shadow Hover Button- for Beginners - using CSS, HTML    • Simply Create a Glowing Shadow Hover ...   :Pure CSS3 Water Wave Text Animation Effects Using CSS Clip-path    • Pure CSS3 Water Wave Text Animation E...