10 REASONS Why Alpha Males NEVER Cross Sigma Males
In the social hierachy, the Alphas occupy the highest position in the pyramid. Because of their bold and commanding demeanor, they are the undisputed overlords of the park. On the other hand, the Sigmas are the type of men who prefer to remain on the sidelines, where they can observe actions intently and plan their next move in complete silence. They choose to walk on their own path not conforming to the social norms or structures. While the Alphas have the assertive personality, they never cross the Sigmas. But what makes Sigmas different from other males like the BETA who often face the wrath of the Alphas ? Why is there a mutual respect between the two? Some people consider it to be nothing more than a question of common courtesy, others argue that it is an unbreakable rule of nature. Regardless of whether any of the above are true, here are ten explanations why alpha males would never collide with sigmas. Like, comment and subscribe. We highly appreciate your support.