VHS Opening and Closing to Snow Dogs UK VHS Tape
This is the VHS Opening and Closing to Snow Dogs VHS Tape and Here's the Order! 1. Copyright Warning 2. Video Caption Reader Reminder 3. Video Piracy (FACT) Reminder 4. Walt Disney Pictures Logo 5. Disney DVD Trailer 6. Beauty and the Beast VHS Trailer 7. 101 Dalmatians 2 Patch's London Adventure VHS Trailer 8. Lilo and Stitch VHS Trailer 9. VSC PG Warning (Disney Version) 10. Walt Disney Pictures Logo (Different Variant) 11. First Few Seconds of the Film 12. Last Few Seconds of the End of the Film and That's It! Enjoy! NOTE: This was Originally Uploaded on my Retro Channel back in 25th of January 2020!