Third Sunday after Epiphany- January 26, 2025 - Worship Live Stream

Third Sunday after Epiphany- January 26, 2025 - Worship Live Stream

Third Sunday after Epiphany January 26, 2025 10 a.m. Find page numbers in the front of the ELW (red hymnal), and hymns in the back. Setting 5 begins on page 156 Bold=All *Please stand as you are able Serving January 6 Presiding Minister: Pastor Micah Sievenpiper Assisting Minister: Tori Friedrich Lay Reader: Cece Atherton Communion Steward: Linda Fox Acolyte: Crucifer: Ingrid Peterson Altar Committee: Ingrid Peterson, Melodee Blobaum Ushers: Marc Winkler, Patti Winkler, Randy Callstrom Media Team: Rebecca Blocksome PRELUDE "Thaxted," by Charles Callahan (b. 1951) Based on ELW 710 Copyright held by Birnamwood Publications Used with permission GATHERING WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESS *GATHERING HYMN “Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” ELW Hymn 886 *GREETING *KYRIE ELW Page 156 *HYMN OF PRAISE “Gloria” ELW Page 158 *PRAYER OF THE DAY WORD FIRST READING: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10 PSALMODY: Psalm 19 SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a *GOSPEL ACCLAMATION “Alleluia” ELW page 160 *Gospel: Luke 4:14-21 SERMON [Pastor's Note: text of Bishop Budde's sermon can found here:] *HYMN OF THE DAY: “Christ, Be Our Light” ELW Hymn 715 *PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION *PEACE MEAL OFFERTORY - “Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love” by Ned Rorem *OFFERING SONG “Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful” ELW Hymn 182 *OFFERING PRAYER *GREAT THANKSGIVING SANCTUS: “Holy, Holy, Holy” ELW page 162 *LORD’S PRAYER *INVITATION TO COMMUNION COMMUNION HYMN “Lamb of God” ELW Page 164 “Now the Silence” ELW Hymn 460 *TABLE BLESSING *PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION SENDING *BLESSING *SENDING HYMN - “Let Streams of Living Justice” ELW Hymn 710 *DISMISSAL POSTLUDE "Allegro maestoso e vivace," from Sonata IV, by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) Find us at If you would like to support Immanuel financially, please visit our online giving page at