Christmas Day Worship - Sunday, December 25, 2022 - 7:30am
Christmas Day Worship - Sunday, December 25, 2022 - 7:30am “Unhinged Praise” — Luke 1:46-55 Thanks you for worshipping with the First Baptist Church of Highland Park Dr. Henry P. Davis III, Pastor You can also follow us on Facebook, Periscope, Youtube & Twitter; as well as through our Mobile App available on the Apple App & Google Play stores. WATCH FBHP website: www.fbhp.org /WATCH Facebook: / firstbaptisthighlandpark YouTube: / firstbaptistchurchofhighlandpark Twitter: @FBCHighlandPark GIVE Website: http://www.FBHP.org/GIVE Givelify: http://giv.li/j2v938 (or use the Givelify App) CashApp: $FBCHighlandPark Text2Give: Text FBHPGIVE to 73256 Abundant: https://abundant.co/fbhp/give Our Regular Worship Schedule is: Saturday - 6:30 PM ET Sunday - 7:30 AM & 10:45 AM Wednesday - 12:00 PM & 6:45 PM #FBHPLive #FBHP #CityOnTheHill #FaithStrong #FBCHighlandPark #BeyondTheWalls