복습 + 관계절에 대해서 조금 더 배우기 🍗 ⟪실시간 온라인 영어학원⟫
1. 음식 배달앱 아니었으면 내가 이렇게 살찌지 않았을 거야. If it weren’t for food delivery apps, I wouldn’t have gained so much weight. I wouldn’t gain so much weight. I wouldn’t be so fat. 2. 음식 배달앱 아니었으면 몸 상태가 훨씬 좋았을 텐데. If it weren’t(wasn’t) for food delivery apps, I would be in much better shape. 3. 우리 엄마 아니었으면 난 매일 불량 식품을 먹었을 거야. If it weren’t for my mother, I would eat junk food every day. (과거에 있었던 일 : If it weren’t for my mother, I would’ve eaten junk food every day. 4. 내 강아지 아니었으면 난 항상 외로웠을 거야. If it weren’t for my dog, I would always feel(be) lonely. / I would feel(be) lonely all the time. (무지개 다리 건넌 강아지에 대해서 얘기하면서 살아 있었을 때의 얘기..) / I would’ve felt(been) lonely all the time. 5. 내 고양이 아니었으면 난 알코올 중독자가 됐을 거야. If it weren’t for my cat, I would’ve become an alcoholic. 6. 내 강아지가 아니었으면 난 운동을 전혀 하지 않았을 거야. If it weren’t for my dog, I wouldn’t get any exercise. 7. 코로나 아니었으면 난 아직 미국에 있었을 거야. If it weren’t for Covid, I would still be in the U.S. 8. 코로나 아니었으면 난 한국으로 돌아오지 않았을 거야. If it weren’t for COVID, I wouldn’t have come back to Korea. 9. 코로나 아니었으면 난 여행을 자주 다녔을 거야. If it weren’t for COVID, I would travel a lot / often. would travel / would’ve traveled The network is really bad today. So, we might have to just call it a day today. 네트웍 문제만 아니었으면 call it a day 하지 않아도 될 텐데 If it weren't for the network problem, we wouldn't have to call it a day. 🤝 채널을 후원하고 추가영상도 보세요! / @la-tdlr 🔥 정리/복습 채널 : / @la-clips ☕️라이브아카데미 네이버 카페 : https://cafe.naver.com/liveacademy/ #영어회화 #실시간 #관계절