Super Heavy Rain to Sleep in 5 Minutes and Beat Insomnia - Noise Cancelling Sound

Super Heavy Rain to Sleep in 5 Minutes and Beat Insomnia - Noise Cancelling Sound

Super Heavy Rain to Sleep in 5 Minutes and Beat Insomnia - Noise Cancelling Sound    • Super Heavy Rain to Sleep in 5 Minute...   One of your most favorite recordings of Powerful Rain Sounds is the basis for this new composition. The trees are covered in water running down to the roots that are soaking up every last drip of it. And like the trees I hope you gain a lot of strength through these black screen sleep sounds so the coming day will be full of joy no matter what your goals or assignments are. I really hope you like these dark screen rainstorm and thunder composition and I would be really pleased if you could give me a comment in the section below. Feedback is all I have to create better videos in the months to come. 💫 I recommend listening to the video at low volume, so you have the best relaxing feeling. Enjoy it! Happy Relaxing Everyone! 🙏 All the best, Edy 😊