इसके बाद आपको कभी गुस्सा नहीं आएगा |A Buddhist Story on Anger | How to control Anger | Gautam Buddha

इसके बाद आपको कभी गुस्सा नहीं आएगा |A Buddhist Story on Anger | How to control Anger | Gautam Buddha

इसके बाद आपको कभी गुस्सा नहीं आएगा |A Buddhist Story on Anger | How to control Anger | Gautam Buddha | गुस्‍से पर कैसे काबू करे । Mahatma Buddha story on anger This is the story on anger in this story Gautam Buddha is telling to his disciples that how to deal with anger. This is the short Buddhist story on anger 🤬 In this short moral story Mahatma Buddha taught what is the reason of anger Why it comes? How person repents after speak some bad words to others. After watching this short Buddhist story you will learn how to control Anger and something valuable will come out from it. Subscribe my channel for more such videos as it motivates me to create more informative content for you ! Thank You ! _____MRADUL SOLANKI_____ #howtocontrolanger #buddhiststory #gautambuddhastory #angermanagement #howtobecalm #moralstory #shortstory #weinspired #monkstory