Pregnancy Test Line Progression | 9 DPO Positive Pregnancy Test | First Response & Easy@Home | 2022

Pregnancy Test Line Progression | 9 DPO Positive Pregnancy Test | First Response & Easy@Home | 2022

I have always been a fan of Easy@Home test but in this video you can see how big of a difference there is between the First Responses Early Result test and the cheapie Amazon pregnancy test. That being said both test will definitely let you know if you are pregnant or not but if you are an early tester like me then you want to know which test is going to give you a positive first! AFFILIATE LINKS & CODES First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test - Easy@Home Pregnancy Test Strips - Amazon Maternity Clothes Links Amazon Pregnancy Products Links Amazon Newborn Favorites Links Amazon Fertility Product Links MORE VIDEOS 9 DPO Live Pregnancy Test | Faint Line or Indent | Clomid Round 3 | 2022 -    • 9 DPO Live Pregnancy Test | Faint Lin...   MY INFERTILITY JOURNEY 2022 | Pregnancy and Fertility Treatments -    • MY INFERTILITY JOURNEY 2022 | Pregnan...   I ALMOST DIED | MY LABOR & DELIVERY STORY -    • I ALMOST DIED | MY LABOR & DELIVERY S...   Also let me know down below if you guys enjoy these kind of videos and what other videos you would like to see in the future. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel and give this video a 👍🏻 Click that notification bell 🔔 so you’re the first to know when I upload! Instagram @ourfamily.theclarks