Cinema 4D Quick Tip | Apple Logo Animation

Cinema 4D Quick Tip | Apple Logo Animation

Apple logo animation: 1) Today I will show you how to create that effect in Cinema 4D. 2) Cut your logo shape into pieces in Adobe Illustrator. 3) Drag & drop the vector file into Cinema 4D. 4) Change a few properties of a Vector Import Object. Set Path Spread to 0, Extrude Depth to 40, and Both Bevels Size to 0.1. 5) Press 'C' to convert the Vector Import Object into separate elements and then parent them to the Fracture object. 6) Choose the Fracture object and change the Mode property to Explode Segments. Keep the Fracture object selected and add the MoGraph Shader Effector. Inside the Shader Effector, uncheck Transform Scale and check the Position parameter. Set the Z value to -15. 7) Go to the Shading tab and choose the Noise shader. 8) Set the Animation Speed to 1, Global Scale to 150%, and Contrast to 20%. 9) Add a plane roughly at the middle of your logo's depth. Enjoy your animation. #cinema4d #c4d #mograph #shader #tutorial #cinema4dtutorial #motiondesign #logoanimation #animation #motiondesign #3dmotiongraphics #apple #applelogo