What is Jio Coins ? - Jio Launched Crypto Coins in India (Explained)
Jio launched their own cryptocurrency in India by the name of Jio Coins which can be earned through using their services and by downloading their web browser known as Jiosphere which is available for all platforms. Not all details are available so I am sharing what I think of this and Why Jio launched this in India, The valuation of this join is said to be around 43 rupees which is not yet confirmed by Jio. 💻LEARN HACKING 🐱👤 BUY My Hacking Courses 💻 You Can Check My Ethical Hacking Courses 1. Hackstars:- https://cosmofeed.com/vp/65644726f3bf... 2. Tech Masters Ethical Hacking Course:- https://cosmofeed.com/vp/656445e5feb0... 3. Quick Hack - Beginners Ethical Hacking Course- https://cosmofeed.com/vp/65644476feb0... ________________________________________________________________ My Tech Only Channel (Cyber Sagar) : / @cyber7726 Social Media Links: 🎥 Shorts: / @sagarshorts5435 👍 Facebook: / technicalsagaryoutube 🐦Twitter: / iamasagar 🎦 Vlog Channel: / sagarkivani 📸 Instagram: / theabhisheksagar