Spread Grass Seed & Soil Fast | #shorts #soil #maintenance #lawn #tips
➪ Spread grass seed and soil fast with this lawn care 101 tip. To help germination, mix the seed and soil with a 2:1 ratio before you spread onto the lawn, or fill in patchy areas. This will help ensure seed is under the soil and water will settle in the loose seed on top. I get the best results with this simple method. Use a wheel barrow or bucket. WATCH NEXT: Easy HOME Maintenance ➪ • HOME Maintenance How-to GROW Your Own Food ➪ • GROW Your Own Food Outdoor Garden IDEAS ➪ • Outdoor Garden IDEAS Square Foot GARDENing ➪ • SQFT Elevated Garden Everything RAINwater Collecting ➪ • RAINwater Collecting All About COMPOSTing ➪ • How-to COMPOST Simple Cleaning HACKS ➪ • Cleaning HACKS ➪ Music | Epidemicsound.com ➪ Hi. I'm Laura. Welcome to my DIY Home and Garden channel. I'll show you how to garden and grow food, check-off basic home maintenance tasks and complete outdoor projects. Grow. Fix. Build. Make. DIY. Subscribe and follow along! #shorts #grass #landscape #lauracotediy #Garden #HomeMaintenance #DIY