Praise & Worship || Sunday Service || 03/16/25
Extracted from https://youtube.com/live/qPT2grDVlIw 00:00 Be lifted high 06:05 Yesu Mulamu Ewange 10:30 Carry me dey go 13:35 There is only one Name 22:25 Draw me close to you Follow Pastor Kenneth Mutegyeki & Anointed Worship Center on; WEBSITE: https://www.anointedworshipcenter.com FACEBOOK: / awcbelmont INSTAGRAM: / awcbelmont TIKTOK: / kmutegyeki SERMONS : / @kmutegyekiofficial --------------- #KennethMutegyekiMinistries #EverybodyIsSomebody #AnointedWorshipCenter #awc All rights to the music used in this video belong to their respective owners.