Who Is the king Of the Universe? #universe #space #shorts

Who Is the king Of the Universe? #universe #space #shorts

Who Is the king Of the Universe? #universe #space #shorts What is largest object in the universe? What is the largest star in the universe? There are billion and trillion of stars and planets but in our home galaxy, There is a largest star and a supermassive black hole. The largest star is Stephenson 2-18 and supermassive black hole is TON 618. But if we compare the actual size of sun vs uy scuti and Stephenson vs TON 618 then they are huge to compare with sun. Keywords: The largest star The biggest black hole The supermassive black hole The biggest star in the known universe The biggest star in the universe Stephenson vs sun Uy scuti vs sun TON 618 vs sun Sun vs Stephenson 2-18 vs uy scuti vs TON 618 Largest star vs largest black hole #largeststar #ton618 #shortviral #space