22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 28, 2022
Live Stream of the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (10:00AM) at the San Roque de Sampaloc Parish. Mass Presider: REV. FR. LEO NILO C. MANGUSSAD PARISH PRIEST We do not own any of the music which were used in this video. All rights toward the music used remain entirely to its respective creators. Please Subscribe to our official youtube channel! / sanroquedesampalocparishofficial Like our facebook page: / sanroquedesampalocparish The Parish is still accepting DONATIONS for the improvement of our church structure. For your donation, kindly go directly to our Parish Office for acknowledgement receipt. Thank you Very Much! #OrdinaryTime #OrdinarySeason #FacebookLive #Peace #Catholic #Katoliko #RCAM #SanRoque #sanroquedesampalocparish #SRDSP #manila #sampalocmanila