Easy & Delicious Homemade Dessert Recipe | No Jelly | No Oven | No Gelatin.
Easy & Delicious Homemade Dessert Recipe | No Jelly | No Oven | No Gelatin. #homemade #delicious #dessert #dessertrecipe #nooven #nogelatin #easy #recipe #sastayKhanay. dessert | dessert recipes | easy dessert | homemade dessert | easy dessert recipes | desserts | quick dessert | dessert recipe |easy desserts | vegan dessert | no flour | no gelatin | dessert cups | postre | pudding | easy pudding | no oven | flan | Christmas dessert | egg pudding | christmas recipes | cooking | no bake dessert | dessert ohne backen | healthy dessert idea | dawin dessert | dessert ideas | gluten free dessert recipe | dessert rezept | no bake desserts | gluten free desserts | cold dessert | dessert recipes | dessert recipe | dessert | healthy dessert recipe |gluten free dessert recipe | recipe | easy dessert recipes | no bake dessert | healthy dessert recipes | easy dessert | recipes | tasty dessert recipes | easy recipe | quick dessert | simple recipe | dessert ideas | easy dessert recipe | vegan dessert recipe | dessert recipe ideas | quick dessert recipes | mango dessert recipes | 10 minutes dessert recipe | dessert cup recipes | indian dessert recipes. Ingredients & Recipe. Milk 500 ml. Sugar 150 gram. Cornstarch 2 tbs. cocoa powder 3 tbs. Biscuits 130 gram. Directions. First put the biscuits in blender and blend them then add 1 tbs Cocoa powder in it and blend it again, and Pour it into 3 glasses۔ Take 250 ml of milk 1 tbs corn starch and put it to boil. And put the sugar in a pot on medium heat to caramelize When the sugar is dissolved, start mixing the milk Gradually. when material thickend pour it on glass. now take 250 ml milk and add 1 tbs corn starch and 2 tbs of Cocoa powder and boil it when it thickened pour it on the glasses. at the end put the Cocoa powder on all the dessert. Easy and delicious dessert is ready. Your Querries. dessert recipes. dessert. dessert recipes easy at home. dessert food recipe. dessert mukbang. dessert masters australia. desserts to make at home. dessert asmr. dessert recipes food fusion. dessert eating asmr. how to make desserts at home easy. how to make dessert. how to make dessert at home. how to make dessert with bread. how to make desserts at home. easy with 2 ingredients. how to make dessert with milk. how to make dessert easy recipe. how to make dessert easy. how to make dessert easy at home. how to make easy desserts 2 ingredients. how to make easy dessert in 5 minutes. how to make easy desserts at home no bake. how to make sweets easy at home. how to make sweets easy. how to make easy dessert with bread. easy sweet snacks. easy sweet recipes. easy sweet recipes at home. easy sweet dish. easy sweet dishes recipes at home. easy sweet dish recipe. easy sweet snacks to make at home. easy sweet dish recipe by food fusion. easy sweet recipes at home in 5 minutes. easy sweet dessert recipes at home. instant sweet recipes. instant sweet recipes indian. instant sweet dish recipe. instant sweet recipe quick peda recipe. instant sweet dish at home. instant sweet dish recipes food fusion. instant sweet recipes with bread. instant sweet dish recipes at home. instant sweet lemon pickle recipe. dessert banane ka tarika. dessert banana recipes. dessert banana. dessert banana sikhayen. desert banane ki recipe. dessert banana chocolate. dessert banana caramel. dessert banana split. dessert banana e cioccolato. dessert banane caramel oum walid. desert kaise banate hain. desert kaise mare. desert kaise banta hai. desert kaise banaye. desert kaise banaen. desert kaise banaya jata hai. desert kaise chalate hain. desert kaise chalayen. desert kaise kare. desert kaise bana. quick dessert recipes. quick dessert recipes food fusion. quick dessert recipes at home. quick dessert with condensed milk. quick dessert with bread. quick dessert food fusion. quick dessert with milk. quick dessert with cream. Pakistani sweets. indian sweets.