TOP 10 *META* LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 1! 🏆 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns
TOP 10 META LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 1! 🏆 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns More Hero (WZ/Store Bundles/Misc) CHANNEL: / @morehero Hero No Commentary Channel: / @heronocommentary HeroShorts Channel: / @heroonyoutube Kick: www.kick.com/themarkofahero This is Hero's Best Class Setups as of the BO6 Update Season 1. Or Black Ops 6 Update Season 1. These will dominate anyone in the New BO6 Update Season 1. These classes have NO RECOIL and MOST DAMAGE as well! I hope you enjoy, I love you all! PARTNERED with GFUEL (use code BALLER) https://sldr.page.link/nBLy previous GOD AKIMBO SMG 💥 #1 BEST SAUG BUILD in BO6 SEASON 1 UPDATE! (BO6 Best Saug Class Setup Meta Loadout) • GOD AKIMBO SMG 💥 #1 BEST SAUG BUILD i... #1 BEST "KRIG C" BUILD is SUPER BUSTED in BO6 SEASON 1 🎯 (BO6 Best Krig C Class Setup Meta Loadout) • #1 BEST "KRIG C" BUILD is SUPER BUSTE... 🚨 ALERT 🚨 CHANGE SETTINGS NOW in BO6 Season 1 Update 🎮 (BO6 Best Settings PS4/PS5/Xbox/PC Aim) • 🚨 ALERT 🚨 CHANGE SETTINGS NOW in BO6 ... SEASON 1 #1 "KSV" BUILD is PRO META AFTER UPDATE BLACK OPS 6 😍 (BO6 Best KSV Class Setup Loadout) • SEASON 1 #1 "KSV" BUILD is *PRO META*... #1 BEST "AMES 85" BUILD is LETHAL in BLACK OPS 6 UPDATE! 💥 (BO6 Best AMES 85 Class Meta Loadout) • #1 BEST "AMES 85" BUILD is LETHAL in ... I got PRESTIGE MASTER SOLO in Black Ops 6, here's what I learned... (BO6 Permanent Unlocks + XP) • I got PRESTIGE MASTER SOLO in Black O... #1 GOD META "XM4" BUILD is DEVIOUS in BLACK OPS 6 UPDATE! 💀 (BO6 Best XM4 Class Setup Loadout) • #1 GOD META "XM4" BUILD is DEVIOUS in... #1 BEST "PP919" BUILD is AMAZING in BLACK OPS 6 after UPDATE! 😍 (BO6 Best PP919 Class Meta Loadout) • #1 BEST "PP919" BUILD is AMAZING in B... #1 META BEST "AS VAL" BUILD is DIABOLICAL in BLACK OPS 6! 😈 (BO6 Best AS Val Class Setup Loadout) • #1 META BEST "AS VAL" BUILD is DIABOL... #1 BEST "KOMPAKT 92" BUILD is FORBIDDEN in BLACK OPS 6! 🚨 (BO6 Best Kompakt 92 Class Meta Loadout) • #1 BEST "KOMPAKT 92" BUILD is FORBIDD... #1 GOD "AK74" BUILD is DANGEROUS in BLACK OPS 6! 💥 (BO6 Best AK74 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • #1 GOD "AK74" BUILD is DANGEROUS in B... GOODBYE XM4, HELLO "AEK 973" BUILD in BLACK OPS 6! 🤯 (BO6 Best AEK 973 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • GOODBYE XM4, HELLO "AEK 973" BUILD in... TOP 5 META SMG LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6! 👑 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns • TOP 5 *META* SMG LOADOUTS in BLACK OP... #1 FAST TTK "MODEL L" BUILD is HEAVENLY in BLACK OPS 6! 😍 (BO6 Best Model L Class Meta Loadout) • #1 SECRET "MODEL L" BUILD is HEAVENLY... #1 BEST "TANTO 22" BUILD is HORRIFYING in BLACK OPS 6 🚨 (BO6 Best Tanto 22 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • #1 BEST "TANTO 22" BUILD is HORRIFYIN... TOP 5 META ASSAULT RIFLE LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6! 🏆 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns • TOP 5 *META* ASSAULT RIFLE LOADOUTS i... this is BLACK OPS 6 on PLAYSTATION 5 PRO! 😍 (COD BO6 Multiplayer Gameplay PS5 Pro) • this is BLACK OPS 6 on PLAYSTATION 5 ... #1 RAPID FIRE SNIPER 💥 BEST "SVD" BUILD in BLACK OPS 6! (BO6 Best SVD Class Setup Meta Loadout) • #1 RAPID FIRE SNIPER 💥 BEST "SVD" BUI... #1 QUICKSCOPE SNIPER 🎯 BEST "LW3A1 FROSTLINE" BUILD in BO6 (Best LW3A1 Frostline Class Meta Loadout) • #1 QUICKSCOPE SNIPER 🎯 BEST "LW3A1 FR... NEW GOD "C9" BUILD is SUPREME in BLACK OPS 6 UPDATE 👑 (BO6 Best C9 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • *NEW* GOD "C9" BUILD is SUPREME in BL... #1 SNIPER META 🎯 #1 BEST "LR 762" LOADOUT in BLACK OPS 6! (BO6 Best LR 762 Class Setup Build) • #1 SNIPER META 🎯 #1 BEST "LR 762" LOA... #1 BEST SHOTGUN 💥 #1 BEST "MARINE SP" LOADOUT in BLACK OPS 6! (BO6 Best Marine SP Class Meta Build) • #1 BEST SHOTGUN 💥 #1 BEST "MARINE SP"... BECOME A MEMBER OF MY CHANNEL(shout outs at end of vids if 10 people "JOIN") / @themarkofaheroog 🔥 Follow Me Everywhere! 🔥 Twitch: / themarkofahero Twitter: / themarkofahero Instagram: / themarkofahero Use Code "Hero" 🎯 GET BETTER AIM AT KontrolFreek: https://www.kontrolfreek.com/ 🎯 Call of Duty Hero or Hero Call of Duty. COD Hero or Hero COD. The true Warzone Hero Warzone. SUB TO MY 2nd CHANNEL: / @heroplaysyoutube 👪 My TEAM 👪 KARNAGE CLAN: / karnageclan PSNs and stuff: TheMarkOfAHero, HeroTheHunter HeroOnYouTube Warzone Hero Warzone Format (the one who made my Logo and Banner!) / formatdesigns / @themindofformat #bo6 #season1 #bestclass markofahero,hero,bo6 best guns,bo6 best class setups,bo6 best weapons,bo6 best class setup,cod bo6 best class,black ops 6 best guns,black ops 6 best weapons,black ops 6 best class,best class setups bo6,best class setup bo6,best class bo6,black ops 6 best weapon,black ops 6 best setup,bo6 best weapon,bo6 best gun,cod,black ops 6,bo6,bo6 best class,best class black ops 6,bo6 meta,black ops 6 meta loadout,bo6 meta loadout,meta loadout,xm4,bo6 season 1