INSANE VISUAL CARD TRICK | Shapeshifter Magic Trick Tutorial

INSANE VISUAL CARD TRICK | Shapeshifter Magic Trick Tutorial

Hope you all enjoyed the short! This short was a tutorial on how to do the shapeshifter color change magic trick. This is a super visual card trick that should be learned by every magician. This card trick is super easy to learn and it looks great on camera. I am a magician and I specialize in close up magic and card tricks. This card trick falls into a category of tricks called color changes. The shapeshifter color change is a super easy skill to add to your performances and it can be learned by even beginner magicians. I would consider this a beginner magic trick. I plan on doing some more magic tutorials on other card tricks and color changes soon! What other magic tricks do you want to learn? Thanks again for watching, and I’ll see you next time! Sponsors & Business Inquiries Contact: [email protected] Instagram:   / texidob   Twitter:   / texidob   Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @tex100   #magic #shorts #tex #magician #magictricksforbeginners #tutorial #magictrickstutorial #magictrickshorts #cards #cardtricks #cardtrick