Intro to PBIS and Restorative Practices

Intro to PBIS and Restorative Practices

How to create Safe, Positive, and Restorative Schools by first understanding why do kids misbehave and why hasn’t our traditional discipline system worked? I will offer a solution to schools that will integrate two of the most widely used school climate and behavior programs in the world: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) & Restorative Practices. On their own, each of these programs shapes school culture and in unison, they create long-lasting sustainable school transformation. Information about PBIS & Restorative Practices Implementation Series for Schools can be found at WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM:   / lauramooiman   FACEBOOK:   /   REFERENCES: Acosta, J. D., Chinman, M., Ebener, P., Phillips, A., Xenakis, L., & Malone, P. S. (2016). A Cluster-Randomized Trial of Restorative Practices: An Illustration to Spur High-Quality Research and Evaluation. Journal of educational and psychological consultation: the official journal of the Association for Educational and Psychological Consultants, 26(4), 413–430. Costello, B. Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2009). The restorative practices handbook for teachers, disciplinarians, and administrators. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices. Costello, B. Wachtel, J., & Wachtel, T. (2010). Restorative circles in schools: building community and enhancing learning. Bethlehem, PA: International Institute for Restorative Practices. Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370-96. Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper and Row. Maslow, A. H. (1962). Toward a psychology of being. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company. Developing Brain: Harvard Felitti, Vince: explains ACES    • Dr.  Vincent Felitti From Trauma To T...   Hargreaves, A. (1998). “Mixed emotions: teachers’ perceptions of their interactions with students. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 16, Issue 8, November 2000, Pages 811-826 O’Connor, K. E. (2008). “You choose to care”: Teachers, emotions and professional identity.” Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 24, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 117-126 Hattie, John (2009). Visible Learning International Institute of Restorative Practices, IIRP - images of Ted Wachtel and Terry O'Connell (Copyright (c) International Institute for Restorative Practices. All rights reserved. Used with permission) Mayer, G.R., & Sulzer-Azaroff. (191). Interventions for vandalism. In G. Stoner, M.R. Shinn, & H.M. Walker (eds), Interventions for achievements and behavior problems (pp. 559-580). Silver Spring, MD: National Associations of School Psychologists. Sprague, J. R., & Golly, A. (2013). Best behavior: Building positive behavior support in schools. Longmont, CO: Sopris West Educational Services. Zero Tolerance Policies, American Psychological Association PBIS Apps -