WE Survived 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in 1.21 Hardcore Minecraft
We spent 100 Days in Hardcore Minecrafts latest Version. 1.21 Tricky Trials stranded on a Deserted island. Here's what happened. My links - ‣ Discord: / discord ‣ Twitter - / havenhand_ ‣ Twitch - / havenhand The LADS I played with - @VulkarrMC @chrisanthemum6499 Credit to Luke TheNotable for creating the concept of 100 days in Minecraft, you can find his channel here: / creolesb... I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft and here is what happened. Not Modded Minecraft. No Mods. Not Speedrunner Vs Hunter, More like Survivalist Vs Hunter but to the extreme. Skyblock, One Block, UHC/Ultrahardcore none of these. Just Hardcore Minecraft. #100Days #hardcore #minecraft