HOW EACH POTUS DIED (in Death Order)

HOW EACH POTUS DIED (in Death Order)

This Video shows the CAUSES Of DEATH of all the 39 deceased US-Presidents in the order they died. 18 of the 39 deceased presidents died from heart or brain issues (46%). Some of these cases of death are speculative, as the exact cause may not have been known or understood at the time. The largest amount of speculation appears to revolve around Jefferson. [MUSIC: 'Drained' by This Riot Elite, released on JUST ONE MORE THING Records]. Garfield (septic shock) & McKinley (gangrene) died from poor medical treatment for their gunshot wounds. Although Reagan had Alzheimer's, his official cause of death was pneumonia. There have been scientific tests conducted on presidents corpses long after they have died to prove or disprove a theory:- Jackson - Tests indicated he did not have enough lead or mercury in his system to cause death. Taylor - Exhumed in 1991, tests showed that Taylor was not poisoned with arsenic. Heart Attack, Failure, or Disease: J.Adams, Madison, Hayes, Cleveland, Taft, Harding, Coolidge, Eisenhower & LBJ. Stroke or other Brain Disease / J.Q.Adams, Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, Arthur, Wilson, FDR, Nixon & Ford Gunshot Wound / Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley & JFK. Cancer / Jefferson, Grant & Hoover Pneumonia / B.Harrison & Reagan Asthma / Van Buren Cholera / Polk Cirrhosis of the Liver / Pierce Epiglottis / Washington Gastroenteritis / Taylor Organ Failure / Truman Parkinson's Disease / G.H.W.Bush Pulmonary Embolism / T.Roosevelt Renal Failure / Jackson Respiratory Failure / Buchanan Tuberculosis / Monroe Typhoid Fever / W.H.Harrison