STUDENT AND MASTER || HELL'S PARADISE (Episode 8) #anime #animereaction #hellsparadise

STUDENT AND MASTER || HELL'S PARADISE (Episode 8) #anime #animereaction #hellsparadise

Episode 8 of Hell's Paradise begins with Nurugai and her Asaemon Tenza wandering Shinsenkyo. Suddenly, a mysterious figure arrives and attacks Nurugai and Tenza. Tenza slices up the being and flees with Nurugai into the forest. The being attaches its sliced-up parts using plant vines and catches up. #anime #animereaction #reaction #brianmutemablack #hellsparadise #episode6 Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976. allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism. Comment. News. reporting. Teaching. Scholarship . and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copy status that might otherwise be infringing Non-profit. Educational or per Sonal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.