TR1 Remaster - Unfinished Business Lvl.1 Atlantean Stronghold 100%, all pickups, kills, achievements

TR1 Remaster - Unfinished Business Lvl.1 Atlantean Stronghold 100%, all pickups, kills, achievements

Full Guide of Tomb Raider 1 Remastered. All Collectables, Secrets, Kills and Achievements. Unfinished Business Lvl.1 Atlantean Stronghold Achievements: Codex of Hive : Find all secrets in Atlantis Gifts of Wonderland : Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough Roll, Action! : Make all the boulders except that one roll in a single walkthrough To Arms : Get all weapons in Atlantis levels Not Too Late : Defeat every Atlantean creature in Unfinished Business levels Emergency Escape : Finish Atlantean Stronghold level in less than 5 minutes How Do I Get It? : Squeeze in for a medipack Leap of Faith : Swan dive into the hole in the end of Atlantean Stronghold level