This Eddie Scene Triggered Me 💢 | Silent Hill 2 Remake

This Eddie Scene Triggered Me 💢 | Silent Hill 2 Remake

After facing off against Pyramid Head, James exits the Blue Creek Apartments and finds himself back on the fog-covered streets of Silent Hill. As he wanders, he spots Laura sitting on a wall, staring at an envelope. When he approaches, she reveals that she was the one who stepped on his hand earlier and, to his surprise, claims to know Mary. In their conversation, Laura bluntly accuses James of never truly loving Mary, leaving him shaken and confused. Later, James encounters a woman who looks just like Mary but introduces herself as Maria. After a brief conversation, the two decide to stick together and continue exploring the town. While searching, they come across a movie theater. James enters through a broken window and spots Eddie and Laura inside. As he moves a shelf, Laura suddenly runs off, leaving James alone with Eddie in the dimly lit theater. Their conversation quickly takes a tense turn, with Eddie growing irritated when James suggests teaming up. Sensing something off, James decides to leave and goes after Laura, whom left the theater and runs in to Brook Haven hospital. #silenthill2 #gaming #funny