ASMR Reiki Session | Dark Moon Release | Cutting Cords | Making Room for Renewal

ASMR Reiki Session | Dark Moon Release | Cutting Cords | Making Room for Renewal

Hello my beautiful friends and welcome πŸ™ Thank you so very much for your endless love and support ❀️ your likes, shares, comments and subscriptions reallyvhelp the channel grow. Today's session is a Dark Moon Release. In this session we're going to cleanse and clear our energetic body. Allowing us to stand in new refreshing energies. Were going to cut ties with any energies that are no longer serving, anything that is causing restrictions/blockages within our energetic body. We will finish by connecting to the Dark Moon, fluffing up our energetic body creating a protective shield. Triggers Include: Hand movements, Flutters, close contact, channeled energy, oils, crystals, words, feathers I hope you enjoy this freeing energywork session. That it aids you in releasing those things that no longer serve, making room for new energies. All my love forever and Always πŸ’™ πŸ’› Laura 🌈🧚 Follow me on FB Donations are always welcome πŸŒΏπŸŒˆπŸ’›πŸ’™β€οΈπŸŒΏπŸŒˆπŸ’› Tools & Intentions Intention: My intention for this ASMR Reiki Healing Energywork Session is to aid us in connecting with the Dark Moon. Allowing us to release those energies that are no longer serving, those energies that are no longer in alignment with our highest good. Aiding us in clearing and cleansing our energetic body, cutting ties with those energies and restrictions that stand in our way. Creating room for the paths ahead. Allowing us to release those things that hold us back and empowering us to take time to stand in stillness, to stand in our being, to stand in our darkness. Sage & Rose Herbal Bundle: Cleansing and clearing our energetic body, to transmute those energies that are no longer serving. Breathwork: Inhalation: Breathing in healing, rejuvenating energies. Exhalation: Releasing those energies that no longer serve. Seagull Feather: To help the sacred smoke permeate deeper within our energetic body. Brushing away any unwanted/unaligned energies. Uncrossing Oil: To remove any unwanted attachments. Allowing us to pluck out and remove any energetic debris allowing us to cut ties with those attachments, those energies of others. Hand movements: Brushing out any unwanted energy forms. Plucking out more tethered unaligned energies. Scissors: To cut any cords that are no longer serving. Removing the energies of others with unconditional love and acceptance. Channeled Energy & Reiki Symbols: To help replenish and renew those areas where we have cut ties, where we have removed energy residies. Channelling through unconditional love and acceptance. Smoky Quartz: To aid us in connecting with the Dark Moon, our inner being, to those hidden aspects within us. Aiding us in grounding in our being, finding stillness. Allowing us tobsee the deeper layers within ourselves and how those layers often lead to our healing and growth. Protection Oil: To end our session. To fluff up our energetic body, smoothing and unifying the protective shield. #auroraalluminates #asmrreiki #energywork #darkmoon #release