Wholesale Flower Market in Express Bus Terminal, Gangnam, Seoul | 고속터미널 꽃 시장, 고터꽃시장, 꽃새벽시장, 인테리어소품
#꽃도매시장 #고속버스터미널 #flowermarket #gangnam #seoul #alleytraveler 안녕하세요~^^ 앨리트래블러 입니다! 강남 고속버스터미널에 위치한 꽃도매상가에 다녀왔습니다~ 반포 꽃 도매상가에서는 생화와 조화를 모두 보실수있구요, 화병등 인테리어 소품도 볼수 있었습니다~ 오픈시간이 밤 11시30분 부터 낮12시까지라 생화가 많이 없는곳도 많더라구요ㅠㅠ 꽃 도매시장 가시는분은 일찍 서두르셔야 더 많은 종류의 꽃들을 보실수 있으실꺼예요~ 꽃집에 갔던게 언제 였는지 기억도 안나네요~ 만성비염에 마스크까지 끼고있어서 사실 꽃향기를 잘 못맡았지만 예쁜 꽃들을 보는것만으로도 너무너무 기분이 좋아졌어요! 예전엔 와이프에게 한번씩 꽃선물을 했었는데... 조만간 예쁜 꽃다발하나 들고 퇴근해야겠어요^^ 그럼 같이 돌아보실까요? Express Bus Terminal Wholesale Flower Market is located on the third floor of the Gyeongbuseon area in Express Bus Terminal, Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul-si. This flower market handles 30-40% of all shipping of flower supplies throughout the nation like the name sugguests. 40% of all flowers sold are delivered to retail dealers and florists in the Seoul area and the other 50-60% is sold to middlemen living in other big cities such as Gangneung, Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju, etc. Only 5% of the whole supply amount is purchased by general customers. In addition, the market houses flower-related stores including shops selling items for flower arrangement, and other specialty stores for gardening. The prices of the market vary by the conditions and types of the flowers available so it differs every day. General buyers can get flowers at about a 30-50% cheaper price than at a retail flower shop. Address 194, Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul Type / Products Shops/Malls / Real flowers, artificial flowers, flower baskets, pottery, etc. (Other subsidiary materials such as ribbons) Inquiries • 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330 (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese) • For more info: +82-2-535-2118 (real flowers) +82-2-593-0991 (artificial flowers) Operating Hours 24:00-13:00 / artificial flowers: 24:00-18:00 Closed Every Sunday Parking Facilities Use the parking lot at Shinsegye Department Store or Express Bus Terminal. btslifezone,seoul,korea,seoulstreet,koreastreet,seoul4k,korea4k,seoul4kdriving,korea4kdriving,trip,tour,travel,seoultour, seoultrip, seoultravel, koreatrip,koreatour,koreatravel,seotraveler,koreatraveler,walk,walk,walking,walker,4k,4kdriving,walkaround,osmo,osmopocket,iphone12,ambience,asmr,streetfood,seoulstreetfood,koreanfood,seoulweather,koreaweather,seoulstreet,koreastreet,ambience,asmr,백색소음