Holy God, We Praise Your Name ('Grosser Gott') (Dickson Chan, St Michael's Catholic, Lane Cove)

Holy God, We Praise Your Name ('Grosser Gott') (Dickson Chan, St Michael's Catholic, Lane Cove)

Dickson Chan plays 'Holy God, We Praise Your Name' on the 1976 George Fincham & Sons organ of St Michael's Catholic Church, Lane Cove. The original German words of this hymn - based on the 'Te Deum' - are attributed to Ignace Franz (1719-1790). They were translated into English by American Roman catholic priest Clarence Walworth (1820-1900). Holy God, we praise your name; Lord of all, we bow before you. All on earth your sceptre claim; all in heaven above adore you. Infinite your vast domain; everlasting is your reign. Hark, the glad celestial hymn angel choirs above are raising; cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising, fill the heavens with sweet accord: 'Holy, holy, holy Lord.' Lo, the apostolic train joins your sacred name to hallow; prophets swell the glad refrain, and the white-robed martyrs follow; and from morn to set of sun, through the church the song goes on. Glory through eternity: Spirit, Word, and blest Creator, God of gracious tenderness, at your feet we sinners gather; light and mercy, now, we pray, give your people for this day. Details of the organ can be found at: https://www.sydneyorgan.com/StMichael... The recording was made on 7 September 2024.