Standard vs High Lift Mower Blades: Weighing Their Pros and Cons (Which One Should You Buy?)

Standard vs High Lift Mower Blades: Weighing Their Pros and Cons (Which One Should You Buy?)

Standard vs High Lift Mower Blades: Weighing Their Pros and Cons (Which One Should You Buy?) Today, we’re looking at the differences between the standard and the high-lift mowing blades. Keep watching to determine the right mowing blades for you! The best-looking lawns result from the use of the best mowers and mowing blades and depending on the length of the grass. Essentially, the lift of the blade is what sets apart these two types of mowing blades. The standard or regular blades are also called the lower-lift blades. And so, the difference between the two types of blades lies in the degree of curvature on each end of the blades. This variation in curvature results in the variation in the level of suction under your mower, which determines if the blade is suitable for mowing short or tall grasses. Now that we have a basic idea of what these two blades have to offer or look like let’s do a breakdown of their differences.