6 AMAZING HEALTH BENEFITS OF ONIONS Onions are vegetables that belong to the genus allium and are closely related to garlic, shallots and leeks.they are rich in chemicals that can help protect your heart, Lower your risk of some cancer, and make it easier for your body to make insulin, onions are also a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. ONIONS, Health benefits of onions, Benefits of onions, Onions uses, Onions benefits, Onion, Onions used for health, Health benefits, Benefits of eating onions, The health benefits of eating onions, Health benefits of eating raw onions, Onions juice, Ayesha Sajid Iqbal health benefits #food bestie curoen nutrients More videos you might like 8 Surprising health benefits of cloves • 7 SURPRISING HEALTH BENEFITS OF CLOVE... Health benefits of amla • HEALTH BENEFITS OF AMLA