Psalm for the 22nd Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version @fada bona's psalms on Facebook
Fr Bona Smash
Psalm for the 33rd Sunday in Ord Time Yr C (Igbo Version)
Psalm for the 29th Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version
Psalm for the 23rd Sunday in Ord Time Yr C English Version
Psalm for the 23rd Sunday in Ord Time Yr C (Igbo Version)
Psalm for the 22nd Sunday in Ord Time Yr C English Version
Psalm for the 22nd Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version @fada bona's psalms on Facebook
Psalm for The 19th Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version follow us on Facebook @fada bona's psalms.
Psalm for the 18th Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version follow my FB page@ fada bona's psalms
Psalm for the 17th Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version (subscribe YouTube@ Fr Bona Smash)
Psalm for 13th Sunday in Ord Time Yr C Igbo Version twitter @bonasmash, facebook onyeka bona
Psalm for 29th Sunday in Ord Time Year A (Igbo Version)
Psalm for 22nd Sunday in Ord. Time Yr A (Igbo version)