Yoga Nidra | Womb Wisdom

Yoga Nidra | Womb Wisdom

#schooloflivingyoga, #onlineytt, #ytt200, #embodiedwisdom, #yoga, #yogateachertrainingcourse, #yoganidra, #nonsleepdeeprest, #nsdr, #hypnotherapy, #hypnosis, #selflove, #selfcare This Yoga Nidra contains music to support your deep relaxation and has no formal ending, so you may drift into rest and come out as you are ready. Relax in a comfortable, reclined position, consider putting in your earphones, and listen to the guidance. Yoga Nidra is a yogic sleep meditation, an effortless guided meditation that fosters nervous system restoration, catches you up on rest, and has the potential to affect positive change on a subconscious level. This hypnotherapy-style non-sleep deep rest practice is intended to empower trust in your body, connection with womb wisdom, and the healing force of mother earth. It can be used as fertility support, support for healing the reproductive system for those with wombs, and support for emotional healing. This recording is not meant to replace professional medical or psychological treatment, please consult your doctor or therapist when needed. Practice in a relaxed, comfortable position, listen to the guidance and know that it's ok to drift in and out of conscious hearing. Please leave a comment, like, SUBSCRIBE, and share! Thank you for your support, it is truly an honour to guide you. Interested in deepening your experience of Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, or Counselling Hypnotherapy? for trainings, retreats, and more. Online 200 Hr Embodied Wisdom YTT with me and Ally Boothroyd/ Sarovara Yoga - Online Counselling Hypnotherapy with me: Instagram: https://w Costa Rica Retreats: Moon To Moon Restorative Yoga Teacher Training: In Person 200 hr YTT with me and Ally: Facebook:   / tiina-kivinen-yoga-hypnotherapy-yoga-nidra...   Music: Elevated State of the Self -    / elevatedstateofself   Copyright ⓒ 2022 Tiina Kivinen. All Rights Reserved.