"In Response" - 10/30/2022 11:00 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service
"In Response" - 10/30/2022 11:00 AM - Sunday Morning Worship Service Thank you for joining us today and Thank you for your continued support through your Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service and Witness. Today's Scripture: Luke 19:1-10 CEB Today's Sermon Title: "In Response" Theme: Stewardship is our response to the blessings of God Music used with Permission through the following license numbers: CCLI # 1290088 (Copyright License) CCLI Streaming Plus # 21054593 CSPL# 040825 (Church Streaming & Podcast License) CVL# 503872689 (Video License) Gathering Music: Angela Ervin, Organ Prelude: Be Thou My Vision Justin Davis, Piano Translation Mary E. Byrne Music Traditional Irish Copyright 2006 Hal Leonard Corporation Call to Worship: “This Little Light of Mine” Preschool KOK “God is In Control” Elementary KOK (Words and Music by Kathie Hill taken from the musical –Esther Ordinary Faith Word Music) Opening Hymn: God of Grace and God of Glory” #577 (WORDS: Harry Emerson Fosdick MUSIC: John Hughes taken from the UM Hymnal) Anthem: “Make My Life an Alleluia” Chancel Choir (by Ruth Elaine Schram The Lorenz Publishing Company) Closing Hymn: “I Surrender All” #354 (WORDS: J. W. Van Deventer MUSIC: W. S. Weeden taken from the UM Hymnal) Postlude: Angela Ervin, Organ You can find us: On The Web at www.JasperUMC.org On YouTube at Jasper UMC GA On Facebook at JasperUnitedMethodistChurch Greg Meadows - Pastor Roxanne B. Golden - Music/Worship Leader Eric Justice - Director of Youth Ministry& Marketing Gerry Gleason - Director of Congregational Care Kelly Wisniewski - Director of Christian Education Cathy Riley - Administrative Assistant Peggy Litherland - Financial Manager Judy Francis - Nursery Coordinator Nathaniel Singletary - Contemporary Worship Leader Angela Ervin - Organist Ellen Whitten - Pianists Paul Singletary - A/V Producer Lydia Meadows - Production Assistant