Second Sunday of Advent - Full Service (December 10 2023)
The full Second Sunday of Advent service at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Denver. Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11 2 Peter 3:8-15a The Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ ✠ according to Mark 1:1-8 Psalms: Psalm 85:8-13 "Benedixisti, Domine" (Plainchant: Tone I.f.) Hymns: 76, 65, 69, 70 The Introit: "People, look east" Besançon Melody, arr. Stanley Vann, text: Elizabeth Farjeon The Anthem: "Expectans Expectavi" by Charles Wood, text: Charles Hamilton Sorley The Communion Motet: "The Lord will come" Scottish Melody, arr. Henry Ley, text: John Milton Beginning Organ Voluntaries: Meditation on Conditor Alme Siderum, Rebecca Groom te Velde Deuxième dimanche de l’Avent, Charles-Alexis Chauvet Ricarcare pro Tempore Adventus, Johann Fisher Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade, Sigfrid Karg-Elert Ending Organ Voluntary: Postlude on WINCHESTER NEW by Christopher Tambling Those Who Serve Today: Celebrant: The Rev’d Nina W. Churchman, Clergy Assistant Preacher: The Rev’d Anna Horen, Interim Rector Assisting: The Rev’d Elizabeth “Wib” Gar eld, Deacon Server: Lisa Sisneros Crucifer: Diana Solomon Torches: Zoey Green, Alicia McKim Thurifer: David Tweed Lectors: Lisa Wolff , Micaëla Larsen Brown Technology: Will Stowe, Patty Gerstenberger, Ed Mack, sound and camera Eucharistic Visitor: Shawn Nowlan Podcasting and Streaming permission provided by One License A-735592, expiration June 2024 Chapters: 00:00:00 Organ Voluntary 00:10:03 Welcome from the Celebrant 00:11:33 The Tolling of the Great Bell 00:12:26 The Introit: People, look east 00:14:16 The Processional Hymn: 76 00:17:45 The Acclamation 00:18:31 The Canticle of Praise: Hymn 444 00:21:28 The Collect of the Day 00:22:37 The First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11 00:25:21 The Gradual: Psalm 85 (Benedixisti, Domine) 00:28:58 The Second Reading: 2 Peter 3:8-15 00:30:43 The Sequence 00:32:45 The Holy Gospel (Mark 1:1-8) 00:35:16 The Sermon 00:51:15 The Nicene Creed 00:54:37 The Prayers of the People 01:00:23 The Peace and Announcements 01:04:39 The Anthem: Expectans Expectavi 01:10:18 The Offertory Hymn: 65 01:12:44 The Great Thanksgiving 01:19:12 The Lord's Prayer 01:20:32 The Fraction, and Fraction Anthem 01:22:44 The Communion of the People 01:26:23 The Communion Motet (The Lord will come) 01:30:27 The Communion Hymn: 69 01:32:32 Eucharistic Visitor 01:33:03 Post-Communion Prayer and Blessing 01:33:58 The Processional Hymn: 616 01:36:42 Organ Voluntary