DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO - DLC 3 NEW Character Transformations & Demon Realm Stage Speculation

DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO - DLC 3 NEW Character Transformations & Demon Realm Stage Speculation

Dragon Ball Sparking Zero All Daima DLC 3 Characters, Transformations & Stages! Dragon Ball Daima has added a whole battalion of characters who could be playable in Sparking Zero but the main thin to focus on is what character will get added with the later half of Dragon Ball Daima including King Gomah Transformed, Super Saiyan 3 Goku and his new Daima transformation he will unlock in the demon realm! The Full Character Roster Is 182 Characters In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero! I Played Dragon Ball Sparking Zero and it's PEAK, the game is infinitely more fun to play than it is to watch and I can guaranteed it goes HARD even with the few playable characters available you can still have a raging blast! Always check for Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero news, gameplay and updates on the Channel. I'll be covering everything Sparking Zero going forward, so make sure subscribe if you don't want to miss anything! Discord Server:   / discord   Twitter: https://twitter.com/steedoj?s=21&t=JY... Streaming Channel:    / @steedojuncut4563