Don’t make this touch turn mistake! #swimming #swim #shorts #swimcoach #swimtechnique #swimmer
✅ TOUCH ‘n’ GO when you do a TURN! ❌ Don’t GRAB THE WALL, PULL YOURSELF UP, PULL YOURSELF AROUND, & SPLASH YOUR ARM INTO THE WATER ☕️ An old coach used to shake a mug at anyone grabbing the wall to indicate they were hanging around the wall too long - long enough to have a cuppa tea! 😎 Look at the difference in time between the two clips, then think how much time you can shave off your best times if you’re currently doing a grab and pull turn! #swim #swimtime #swimlife #swimpractice #swimmingpractice #swimmingcoach #swimcoach #swimcoaching #swimtips #swimmingtips #swimmingday #swimmer #swimming🏊 #breastroke #swimtechnique #swimmingtechnique #mastersswimming #scaleyourswim #scaleswimming