The Third Sunday Of Advent - Holy Eucharist: Rite I and Children's Pageant

The Third Sunday Of Advent - Holy Eucharist: Rite I and Children's Pageant

Welcome to the Third Sunday of Advent, Holy Eucharist Rite l Liturgy, and Children's Pageant at Grace Episcopal Church in Alvin! RITE I The Rite 1 liturgies reflect the language and piety of the Elizabethan era and the first Book of Common Prayer (BCP), although the structure of these liturgies also reflects the influence of modern liturgical scholarship. Rite 1 is very similar to the 1928 version, keeping the older English language (thee, thou, etc) with little updates to the Creed and prayers. The Confession and Prayers of Consecration remain the same although updated versions are allowed. Please be sure to let us know you came by - whether while we were live, or afterwards, by leaving a comment. The stream will be live at 8:50 a.m. with a musical prelude before the service begins at 9:00. Mother Suzanne Weidner Smith will lead worship today. To access the Worship Bulletin go to If you are new to Grace, please complete our Newcomer form here: We expect the service to last one hour. If you would like to give, you may do so with eGiving. 3 ways to Give today: Text the word ¨Fund¨ to 844-943-0932 to give via text, download and use the Give+ app, or visit . Alternatively, you can mail a check to the church office at 112 W. Lang, Alvin. 77511