Grace Toronto Church - (December 18, 2022 Service)

Grace Toronto Church - (December 18, 2022 Service)

Welcome to the Grace Toronto Church Sunday service livestream on DECEMBER 18. ONLINE BULLETIN: Sermon Title - On Me Alone Sermon Series - Advent: Every Story Whispers His Name Scripture Passage - 1 Samuel 25: 1-28, selected Call to Worship - 5:02 Songs of Adoration - 8:15 Baptism - 15:30 Prayer of Confession & Words of Assurance - 26:22 Song of Assurance - 30:48 Prayer for the Church and the City, Offertory, and Announcements - 34:27 Sermon - 41:08 Song of Reflection - 1:11:55 Communion & Benediction - 1:15:46 Links & Announcements Below🔻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR-END GIVING: Donations must be received and deposited in the bank by DECEMBER 31 to be included in the 2022 tax receipt. Receipts will be distributed on February 2023. Please log in to your Planning Center account to update your mailing address for the tax receipts. Physical cheques can be delivered to 383 Jarvis up to 10am on DECEMBER 31. PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: TREASURE (Matthew 2:10-11) The wise men brought treasures with them: gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They knew that this child that was born from Mary was special, and upon seeing Jesus “fell down and worshiped him”. Reflect today on how our earthly treasures compare to the eternal gift and treasure which we have through Jesus Christ. SUPPORT If you are in any form of need or if you are able to help others, please visit or visit to submit your prayers.