20210228 AUMC Sunday Service

20210228 AUMC Sunday Service

February 28, 2021 Sunday Service at the Avoca United Methodist Church, Avoca, New York with Pastor Barre Butts and Cindy Gottschall. Avoca United Methodist Church 8593 Jacobs Ladder Road Avoca, New York 14809 Mitchellsville United Methodist Church 8421 County Route 13 Bath, New York 14810 This week’s Bible Readings are: Gospel: Mark 8: 31-38 Old Testament: Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16 This week’s hymns are [and can be found on YouTube]: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus The Faith We Sing # 2129    • I Have Decided to Follow Jesus #2129   Take Up Thy Cross United Methodist Hymnal # 415    • 415   Take Up Thy Cross   Be Thou My Vision United Methodist Hymnal # 451    • Be Thou My Vision   Shalom to You United Methodist Hymnal # 666    • Shalom To You Now