Prepare in every heart a path for the Messiah’s coming; 2nd Sunday of Advent worship 12/4/22

Prepare in every heart a path for the Messiah’s coming; 2nd Sunday of Advent worship 12/4/22

By what authority did John the Baptist call God’s people to turn from their sins and turn to God? The kingdom of God is nearer now than ever before, everything will be put in Godly order. We learn from John today to be ready for the day of Jesus return. We pray that you are blessed as you participate in today’s worship. All music Public Domain or copyrights used by permission through by CCLI Lic # 1750133 & 20465231 or One License # 96981 Liturgical elements used in this worship service are adapted from “Sundays & Seasons, © 2022 Augsburg Fortress and the “Lutheran Book of Worship”