Freedom Is Better Than Bondage | Pastor Gary Keesee | Faith Life Church
The world is preoccupied by the supernatural. People are feeding on Satan's lies, falling into sin, and opening themselves up to demonic oppression. Social media is feeding our culture a perverted view that stands in direct contrast to how God created life to be lived. Join Pastor @GaryKeesee as he cautions us to CONSIDER what voices we're listening to. Keep Watch! #supernatural #keepwatch #faithlifechurch #garykeesee # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Welcome to Faith Life Church! Thank you for joining us online! First time here? Please fill out the connection card (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/churc...) and follow this link (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/new-t...) to find out more helpful information about Faith Life Church. Join us for Kingdom Track each Sunday at 12:00 PM EDT and complete this 4 step process to help you discover your purpose and get acclimated, engaged and involved in the ministry of Faith Life Church. Follow this link (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/kingd...) for more info. Interested in giving? Follow this link (https://www.faithlifechurch.org/giving). Stay connected to the Faith Life Church Online Campus... Join the FLC Online Facebook Group! Follow this link / 673912679737537 to join. For all other information, please visit our website at faithlifechurch.org.