8 AM Sunday Mass 12/18/2022 Fourth Sunday of Advent

8 AM Sunday Mass 12/18/2022 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Friendly reminder: the dispensation for your Sunday obligation is lifted so we strongly encourage you to attend Mass in person for the care of your soul unless you have conditions preventing you of your obligation in which you can participate through our livestream of the Holy Mass. All protocols will be in encouraged including wearing a mask and social distancing. Spiritual Communion Prayer: My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You. Amen Masses are live-streamed at the following times: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am Saturday, 8:00 am Sunday, 8:00 am English Sunday, 12:00 pm Spanish ​ ​You can donate online directly to St. James Church via our new ParishSoft system. We appreciate your generousity. https://giving.parishsoft.com/app/giv... Thank you for your understanding and flexibility during these unprecedented times. We hope you will join us at St. James for Mass and Holy Communion. We will continue to update this information as needed. If you have any questions, please call or email the office.