What We Think or What God Knows? #generalconference #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints

What We Think or What God Knows? #generalconference #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints

"During our sojourn in mortality, we often wrestle with what we think we know, what we think is best, and what we assume works for us, as opposed to comprehending what Heavenly Father actually knows, what is eternally best, and what absolutely works for children within His plan." Elder Ulisses Soares "Aligning Our Will with His," October 2024 General Conference #comefollowme #comeuntome #comefollowmefhe #disciplesofchrist #discipleship #disciplestoday #DiscipleshipIsRelationship #discipleshipjourney #iamhis #savior #comeuntohim #jesussaves #mysavior #comeuntochrist #generalconference #GeneralConference2024 #generalconferencequotes #quotesdaily #quotesoftheday #christianquotes #christianquotesdaily #ldsquotes #thedentsinmyarmor