Sourdough Bread: The Science and Art | A Comprehensive Guide
A delicious and complex flavor, a crispy crust covered in hues of golden brown, and an arresting open crumb. These are all the basic characteristics of a good artisan bread. It'd be better if the bread also had a reasonable shelf life and was nutritious, as well. To achieve these characteristics, the baking industry has a wide range of bread improving additives, many of which you can find on the ingredients list of a loaf at the supermarket. However, as home bakers, we try to avoid these sort of additives, instead going for more natural options, one of them being sourdough. Sourdough bread is the oldest form of leavened bread, this method has been passed on for centuries, and for good reason. Sourdough influences practically all aspects of bread quality in a generally positive way. There are numerous health benefits associated with using sourdough and the bread is well known for its remarkable taste. The greatest obstacle to making sourdough, though, is probably how it resists the normal recipe standardization we're so used to, it requires an understanding of the sourdough starter and its specific traits. There are quite a few parts of sourdough bread baking that differ greatly from other kinds of bread baking, and that's part of what this video aims to talk about. In this video, we're going to delve into sourdough and how to make sourdough bread. We're going to show you how to make a high quality artisan sourdough bread, with a beautiful open crumb and delicious crisp crust, using all the relevant scientific facts. We'll also go into detail on the live cultures residing in a sourdough starter, wild yeasts and bacteria, as well as how to give them a conducive environment to grow. Because each sourdough starter can be different, this video gives you all the information you need to fully understand and make the best use out of your starter. Watch the video for more, enjoy! #sourdough #sourdoughstarter #artisanbread Ingredients Total Flour 500g, Hydration 80% Levain Ripe Sourdough Starter 20 g (4%) Bread Flour 40 g (8%) Water 40 g (8%) Final Dough Bread Flour 450 g + 10 g (92%) Water 350 g (70%) Salt 10 g (2%) References: Videos: Poolish and Preferments • Preferment Basics: Poolish | Bread Sc... Sourdough Starter • Sourdough Starter | 3 Sourdough Start... Papers 1. Lau SW et al. Sourdough Microbiome Comparison and Benefits. Microorganisms. 2021;9(7):1355. Published 2021 Jun 23. doi:10.3390/microorganisms907135 2. Arranz-Otaegui A et al. Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jul 31;115(31):7925-7930. doi:10.1073/pnas.1801071115. Epub 2018 Jul 16. PMID: 30012614; PMCID: PMC6077754. 3. Luc De Vuyst and Patricia Neysens. The sourdough microflora: biodiversity and metabolic interactions. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2004.02.012 4. Ercolini D et al. Microbial ecology dynamics during rye and wheat sourdough preparation. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2013 Dec;79(24):7827-36. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02955-13. Epub 2013 Oct 4. PMID: 24096427; PMCID: PMC3837820. 5. Katsi P et al. Characterization of Artisanal Spontaneous Sourdough Wheat Bread from Central Greece: Evaluation of Physico-Chemical, Microbiological, and Sensory Properties in Relation to Conventional Yeast Leavened Wheat Bread. Foods. 2021;10(3):635. Published 2021 Mar 17. doi:10.3390/foods10030635 6. De Vuyst L, Van Kerrebroeck S, et al. Microbial ecology of sourdough fermentations: diverse or uniform? Food Microbiol. 2014;37:11-29. doi:10.1016/j.fm.2013.06.002 7. Minervini F, Di Cagno R, Lattanzi A, et al. Lactic acid bacterium and yeast microbiotas of 19 sourdoughs used for traditional/typical italian breads: interactions between ingredients and microbial species diversity. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012;78(4):1251-1264. doi:10.1128/AEM.07721-11 8. Herskowitz I. Life cycle of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiol Rev. 1988;52(4):536-553. doi:10.1128/mr.52.4.536-553.1988 9. Ercolini D et al. Microbial ecology dynamics during rye and wheat sourdough preparation. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2013 Dec;79(24):7827-36. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02955-13. Epub 2013 Oct 4. PMID: 24096427; PMCID: PMC3837820. 10. Wehrle K, Grau H, Arendt EK (1997) Effects of lactic acid, acetic acid, and table salt on fundamental rheological properties of wheat dough. Chapters: 0:00 Opening Scene 0:42 High Quality Artisan Bread 1:34 What's a Sourdough? 2:54 Essential Components of Sourdough and Science Facts 22:17 Baking Sourdough Bread