Islamiat MCQs class 4th to 8th| ETEA Teaching tests preparation PST SST CT PET DM AT TT Qari.

Islamiat MCQs class 4th to 8th| ETEA Teaching tests preparation PST SST CT PET DM AT TT Qari.

Islamiat MCQs class 4th to 8th| ETEA Teaching tests preparation PST SST CT PET DM AT TT Qari. Unlock your knowledge with this comprehensive Islamic Studies MCQs video, covering important questions from Class 4 to Class 8 for ETEA education cadre posts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This video is specifically designed for PST, CT, SST, PET, DM, AT, TT, Qari, and other teaching cadre exams. Test yourself and boost your preparation with these essential Islamic Studies multiple-choice questions (MCQs). ✔ Who was Prophet Ibrahim's (AS) first wife? ✔ Where did Prophet Ishaq (AS) settle? ✔ In which field was Prophet Idris (AS) an expert? ✔ Which nation was Prophet Yahya (AS) sent to? ✔ What was the old name of Makkah? ✔ How many types of charity are there in Ramadan? ✔ What does Islam say about helping others? ✔ Which night is considered the holiest in the Islamic calendar? ✔ What is the ruling on giving charity in Ramadan? ✔ What is the Arabic term for fasting? ✔ Is buying new clothes for Eid mandatory? ✔ What is the significance of Ramadan? ✔ What is an essential part of Ramadan? ✔ Which Eid comes after Ramadan? ✔ How many rakats are in Taraweeh? ✔ What is the last Friday of Ramadan called? ✔ Which month follows Ramadan? ✔ What effect does Ramadan have on the soul? ✔ At which Adhan do Muslims break their fast? ✔ What was the name of the Prophet's (PBUH) teacher? ✔ Which prophet was thrown into fire? ✔ What is Sidrat-ul-Muntaha? ✔ Which prophet was swallowed by a fish? ✔ What was the original name of Islam? ✔ What is the ruling on Taraweeh prayer? ✔ When was fasting made obligatory? ✔ What is the Arabic term for breaking fast? ✔ Which angel will blow the trumpet on Judgment Day? ✔ How many parts (Ashra) are in Ramadan? ✔ What is the first Ashra of Ramadan called? ✔ What is the second Ashra of Ramadan called? ✔ What is the mandatory charity in Ramadan? ✔ At what age does fasting become obligatory? ✔ What is the Arabic term for fasting? ✔ What is the first prayer of the day? ✔ What is Laylat-ul-Qadr also known as? ✔ Which major festival comes after Ramadan? ✔ Which date variety is seedless? ✔ What is the literal meaning of Ramadan? ✔ Which angel is responsible for rain and sustenance? ✔ What does the Arabic word "Sawm" mean? ✔ Which angel brought revelations to the Prophet (PBUH)? ✔ What is the name of the Jannah gate for those who fast? ✔ Who is the gatekeeper of Paradise? ✔ What was the first civil war among Muslims? ✔ Which Roman governor ordered the crucifixion of Prophet Isa (AS)? ✔ Which sea did Prophet Musa (AS) cross? ✔ Who assassinated Caliph Umar (RA)? ✔ What does "Sahihain" refer to? ✔ How many battles are mentioned in the Quran? PST primary school teacher (BPS-12) CT certified teacher (BPS-15) SST secondary school teacher (general) BPS-16 CT certified teacher (IT) information technology (BPS-12) SST (Maths/Physics) Bps-16 PET physical education teacher (BPS-15) SST secondary school teacher (biochemistry) BPS-16 DM Drying master (BPS-15) SST secondary school teacher (IT) BPS-16 TT theology teacher (BPS-15) Qari/Qariya (BPS-12) AT Arabic teacher (BPS-15) PST primary school teacher (bps-12) ETEA 2025 Islamiat Islamiat Class 5th Islamiat Class five Islamiat mcqs Etea PST CT SST PET DM AT TT Qari Islamiat mcqs Etea education cadres jobs Islamiat mcqs Etea tests preparation Islamiat Class 5th mcqs part 1 Islamiat class 5th all mcqs Islamiat class 5th important MCQs Islamiat Class 4th to class 8th Islamiat PST mcqs Islamiat CT mcqs Islamiat PET mcqs Islamiat DM mcqs Islamiat important topics etea Islamiat important topics mcqs Islamiat Class 4th Islamiat class 5th Islamiat Class 6th Islamiat Class 7th Islamiat Class 8th Islamiat treasure of knowledge Treasure of knowledge mcqs For etea Khyber pakhtoonkhwa text books mcqs Khyber pakhtoonkhwa text board books islamiat mcqs #pst #ct #etea #sst #pet #dm #tt #at #qari #jobs2025 #education #cadres #kpk #islmiat #mcqs #5thislamiat #islamiat #important #mcqs #tests #preparation #teaching #IslamicMCQs #ETEAExam #PST #SST #CT #PET #TeachingCadre #KPKJobs #IslamicStudies #GeneralKnowledge #IslamicQuiz #MuslimKnowledge #Quran #Hadith #IslamicHistory #EducationCadre #Ramadan #Prophets #IslamicKnowledge