Q_.Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word. Defer ।। स्थगित मीनिंग इन हिंदी #shorts
Q_.Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word. Defer ।। स्थगित मीनिंग इन हिंदी #shorts Q_. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word. Defer [A] Postpone . [B] Match [C] Balance [D] Conflict defer डिˈफ़(र्) FORMAL verb to leave something until a later time (किसी काम को) स्थगित करना To meaning, synonym, स्थगित, स्थगित meaning in english, how to pronounce,defer , #english ,#vocabulary, #englishbulldog, #englishteacher ,#englishvocabulary, #englishlearning ,#learnenglish, #englishbulldogsofinstagram, #englishhome, #englishlanguage, #englishbulldogs ,#englishtips, #englishclass ,#englishcockerspaniel, #englishgrammar, #englishspringerspaniel, #englishbullterrier ,#englishcourse, #englishonline, #englishbulldogpuppy, #learningenglish, #studyenglish, #speakenglish, क्या आप English सीखना चाहते है, वो भी घर बैठे तो divya education YouTube channel को subscribe and share जरूर करें। video ko like/dislike karke apni raay hame jarur comment Karen. ✍️Future perfect continuous tense link • future perfect continuous tense। How ... ✍️Past perfect continuous tense link / so8txuqbo ✍️present perfect continuous tense • present perfect continuous tense।How ... ✍️future perfect tense। How to use "will have" through in hindi ।Future perfect tense use,indetify। • future perfect tense। How to use "wil... ✍️Past perfect tense। Use, Identify, Structure,all types sentence, practice, Explain in hindi / eu8ghksxb ✍️Present perfect tense • Present perfect tense।Use, Identify, ... ✍️Future continuous tense • Future continuous tense। Use, Identif... ✍️Past continuous tense • Past continuous tense। Use, Identify,... ✍️present continuous tense • present continuous tense। defination... ✍️Tense • Tense। काल।learn tense full course in... ✍️ Hindi & English kaise sikhe? पढ़ने, लिखने का सरल तरीका सिखे। • Hindi & English kaise sikhe ? पढ़ने ,... Divya education👩🏫 subscribe like share #divyaeducation #shorts #vocabulary