TOP 3 Male Muscle Groups Women Notice The Most (And How To Target Those Body Parts)
Top 3 Male Muscle Groups Women Notice The Most...https://www.liveanabolic.com Guys, today I have Laura with us to tell us the top 3 male muscle groups women notice the most. Well what does Laura have to say? The top 3 male muscle groups are arms, glutes, and back. So today, we are going to give you the best exercises for your arms, glutes, and back. Obviously, it is important to work your other muscle groups as well, but today we are going to focus on the 3 that are most attractive to women. Let’s get started with the exercises that focus on the top 3 male muscle groups women notice the most. Muscle Group #1: ARMS. When it comes to arms, everyone automatically thinks biceps. You need to focus on your triceps as well because triceps make up more mass in your arms. First, let’s get started with focusing on the biceps with this exercise. Exercise #1: BICEP CURLS with dumbbells. Keep your elbows close to your side and rotate the weights outward. Twisting the weights as you bring the dumbbells up will activate more muscle fibers and will hit your biceps differently. This will also help you get a really good pump. Make sure to use slow controlled movements to focus on working your biceps and increasing time under tension. Now for triceps.. Exercise #2: BANDED TRICEP PUSHDOWN. Use resistance bands with the anchor at the high point. Preload the bands with tension when your hands are already at the top of the movement. Keep your elbows close to your side, and avoid swinging your elbows because you don’t want to use momentum. Muscle Group #2: GLUTES. Now more than ever, men and women are doing exercises that specifically target your glutes. It is a big muscle group and works with your legs to make a strong foundation in strength. Now, for the first exercise for glutes. Exercise #1: FIRE HYDRANT. This exercise will really isolate your glutes. Get on all fours, kick your leg out, and flex your glutes at the top of the movement. You don’t want to twist your torso and hips in this exercise. Exercise #2: GLUTE BRIDGES. Lay flat, and bring your feet up to where you almost are at a 90 degree angle. You are going to press your hips upward, and you are going to feel this exercise in your hamstrings and glutes. Add a dumbbell to the exercise to add more resistance, to work your glutes even more. You can also hold the contraction at the top of the movement to increase the time under tension. Also, make sure to keep your glutes off the ground for the whole movement, do not rest your butt on the ground at the bottom of the movement. Muscle Group #3: BACK. Women like a big broad back, especially through a shirt. A big back will also help get a nice v-shaped figure. Now for the exercises to work your back. Exercise #1: BACK ROWS. Hinge at your hips, raise the dumbbells up and back, and contract your lats at the top of the movement. You want to use your mind muscle connection to imagine that you are squeezing your shoulder blades together. Make sure to utilize a slow and controlled movement, and hold the contraction at the top of the movement for a couple of seconds. Exercise #2: LAT PULLDOWNS. Use resistance bands with a high anchor point. Pull your elbows down and back and squeeze at the bottom of the movement for a couple of seconds. Focus on getting your elbows as far back as you can during the contraction. That wraps up this video with the top 3 male muscle groups women notice the most. Make sure to try these exercises in your next workouts to help build these muscle groups. If you haven’t yet, subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build muscle and get ripped at home. / @liveanabolic • 5 Most Attractive Muscles Women Can't... • TOP 3 Male Muscle Groups Women Notice...